Preparing Music for Manual Copying Through iTunes

Like many people I prefer to manage my music collection myself instead of leaving it up to something like iTunes. Thankfully iTunes (which you must use if you have certain devices) allows manual copying of music to a device. The one real problem I have is most of my music is in the lossless FLAC format. Unfortunately, this isn’t natively supported by Apple devices. I convert my FLAC files to mp3 (highest quality) because mp3 is good enough for a mobile device with earbuds....

December 6, 2015 · John

Duplicity Backup Script

I’ve started using duplicity combined with Amazon’s S3 to backup this server. Duplicity is an amazing application that makes backups simple. Some of the features I like best about duplicity are: it encrypts the data, compresses it, splits it into manageable chunks, does incremental backups, and can backup to a variety of destinations. When you restore your data it takes care of applying the incremental backups to produce the final files....

August 7, 2010 · John

Multiple Input with Single Input Apps

The few eBook formatting tools I’ve posted all share one major flaw. They can only handle a single file as input. This is a problem when you want to run it on all or a number of different eBooks. If you are able to use Bash there is a simple way to run any single input command with multiple items. This first method gets input from a single directory. This method will not go into subdirectories for input....

December 24, 2008 · John