Calibre Weeks in Review

Get books has been out for a bit now and it’s a huge success. It’s gone over better than I could have hoped. My focus for the past few weeks has still been on Get books. Mainly adding more store and making it easier for users. Search settings and store chooser that allows users to disable stores they don’t care about have been added in the 0.8.3 release. Adding more polish to Get books with a focus the chooser are my focus for this week....

May 28, 2011 · John

Calibre Weeks in Review

Once again this is a weeks in review instead of once. I’ve been focusing more on new features than blogging. Calibre 0.7.57 is out and is also the beta for 0.8. Adding the tweak “test_eight_code = True” will enable the 0.8 features. Get Books aka Stores For quite some time I’ve been working on integrating support for searching and connecting to third party stores to make it easier for users to find and acquire books they’re interested in....

April 24, 2011 · John

Calibre Weeks in Review

It has been a few weeks since I’ve done a calibre week in review. This is partly because I had been working on some new features for the upcoming 0.8 release. I haven’t wanted to talk about it very much until the release gets closer. Kovid said yesterday that he will be reviewing my changes next week. HTMLZ One complaint I hear often is in regard to the inability to edit ebooks....

April 9, 2011 · John

APNX File Issues and Kindle Apps

My last post was about the GUI plugin for calibre to generate APNX files. While it seems the Kindle apps (Kindle for Mac, Kindle4PC and Kindle for iPhone / iPad) don’t like APNX files with non Amazon ebooks. A number of people complained that the APNX files generated with the GUI plugin were not working on their Kindle apps. I looked into it and what I discovered is not very encouraging....

March 21, 2011 · John

calibre APNX GUI Plugin

The Amazon APNX file generation added to the Kindle device interface has been wildly popular. So popular that people want to use the APNX files without a Kindle. It turns out a large number of calibre uses don’t actually read using a Kindle but using one of the many reading apps Amazon produces (PC, Mac, iPad…). So I’ve created a GUI Plugin that allows users to create and save APNX files from MobiPocket (MOBI, AZW, and PRC) files....

March 19, 2011 · John

Calibre Week in Review

This is a short week for the week in review because I’m now doing my week from Friday to Thursday. Last week I ended my week on Monday so this review only has a few days worth of work. TXTZ I’ve added an import plugin that runs over TXT content when it is added to the library. What happens is the TXT file is scanned looking for Markdown (inline or reference) and Textile image references....

February 18, 2011 · John

Calibre Week in Review

I’ve been putting up my week in reviews on based on a week starting on Monday for some time now. I’ve been thinking about this and it doesn’t really make much sense. Calibre has a release pretty much every Friday now. So starting next week I’m going to change my week in review to be Friday though Thursday. This way features I talk about in my review will be in the just released version....

February 13, 2011 · John

Calibre Week in Review

Once again this is a big week with a lot of little changes. The majority of which were related to TXT input. Format Specifications I was thinking about the fact that for all of the formats I support I use the format specification to know how the reading and writing should happen and how they aren’t part of calibre proper. I have a set of documents that outline what is known about each format I handle....

February 7, 2011 · John

Calibre Week in Review

This is really a two week in review because I didn’t do one last week. The past two weeks I didn’t focus on major changes. I mainly spent my time with little tweaks and closing out bugs. All of these little changes didn’t feel like I accomplished very much but getting them all together it turns out I did quite a bit over the last two weeks. GUI The GUI saw quite a few usability changes....

January 31, 2011 · John

Calibre Week in Review

TXT input got some more work. It now supports the Textile markup language. This can be used in place of Markdown. Textile is also supported by the new auto-detection in TXT input. FB2 output had some more bug fixes. The cover image is now put inside of the coverpage element in the metadata header. This is per the FB2 spec. However, the calibre ebook-viewer does not currently display the cover image that is part of the metadata header....

January 17, 2011 · John