Calibre Week in Review

Mostly bug fixes this week. The majority of them were centered around eReader PDB output and PML generation. eReader PDB output now marks the first image as the cover image if a cover image is not explicitly set. PMLZ got images named properly in the output. PML generation now has .png added to the end of image names. I also fixed a bug where excessive new lines were not being properly removed....

October 26, 2009 · John

Calibre Week in Review

I haven’t had one of these for quite some time. I’ve been working on other projects and on the calibre font I’ve only dealing with small bug fixes. However, this past week I’ve done a bit of work that is worth mentioning. I’ve cleaned up the FB2 output. It fixes some invalid markup. Fixes some issues with text not being displayed by FBReader. It also fixes some issues with invalid characters making there way into hrefs....

October 11, 2009 · John

Calibre Week in Review

There was no week in review last week because I went on vacation this past week. So this week in review combines everything since the last week in review. I’ve made a few bug fixes to some output formats, PDB metadata and FB2 output mainly. The major things I’ve been working on is a bit of restructuring for the GUI and fixing some small bugs. The GUI has had the button in the status bar (jobs, tags, cover flow) moved to a side bar on the right hand side....

July 19, 2009 · John

Calibre Week in Review

This week comes with some great new additions. It also comes with some great new challenges. Not to mention more work for next week. eReader output is complete and working. The files produced are the same format as those produced by Dropbook (more on this in a bit). In addition to eReader output I’ve added metadata writing for eReader files. There is one major issue I’ve come across concerning the eReader format....

May 16, 2009 · John