Calibre Week in Review

Since taking over Sigil I haven’t had much time to spend working on calibre. However, I haven’t abandoned calibre. It’s still a priority and something I will continue to work on. This week I focused on Get Books. Nothing new was added but I went through most of the store plugins and fixed a few of them to support changes to the stores. As of 0.8.17 all stores should be working properly....

September 2, 2011 · John

Calibre Week in Review

This week saw some more work on Get Books. Once change is not user visible but makes it easier for new stores to be added. The other change is user visible and was suggested by a user. I’ve added a base class for OPDS OpenSearch based stores. It will use the OpenSearch url and retrieve all results. It then puts them into a SearchResult object for use with Get Books. Individual stores will need to do some massaging of the results because I’ve found that the results are often inconsistent from store to store....

July 2, 2011 · John

Calibre "Get book" Ideas

This is a list of ideas I’ve had or suggestions I’ve received from people about what to do with “Get books” in calibre to make it better. These are all ideas and may or may not make it into future release. OPDS set of classes that makes it very easy and quick to add new stores that support OPDS. Basically, the plugin author would only need to specify the base feed url and this class would take care of finding the search feed....

June 1, 2011 · John

Calibre Weeks in Review

Get books has been out for a bit now and it’s a huge success. It’s gone over better than I could have hoped. My focus for the past few weeks has still been on Get books. Mainly adding more store and making it easier for users. Search settings and store chooser that allows users to disable stores they don’t care about have been added in the 0.8.3 release. Adding more polish to Get books with a focus the chooser are my focus for this week....

May 28, 2011 · John