Moving from Jekyll to Hugo

Introduction I needed to update some pages on my blog and while looking at it, it feels a bit stale. The site design hasn’t really changed in nearly 15 years. The only real update was in 2019, when I switched from WordPress to Jekyll. They were minor changes and made to accommodate moving to Jekyll. Otherwise, this blog has looked and acted essentially the same for all these years. Wanting to update the style also meant I should take the time to update things like Javascript libraries, Jekyll plugins and what not....

September 18, 2023 · John

Full Text Search with Jekyll

Introduction When I switched from WordPress to Jekyll I gave up searching posts. I knew this was a limitation of running a static site and I didn’t think it would be too big a deal. After a year I’ve found I actually look up some old reference posts just enough that search to be useful. Trying to remember which tags given posts use became a bit of an annoyance. I really started to miss the ability to search....

June 10, 2020 · John

Moving From WordPress to Jekyll

Introduction When I first started this blog back in 2008 I hosted it myself using an Arch Linux instance with Linode. For the blogging platform I used WordPress MU because it was, and still is, one of the most popular blogging platforms. At that time the MU version was how multiple domains (subdomains) were supported on a single installation. Later it was merged into standard WordPress. It was easy to use and Administer....

January 21, 2019 · John