Amazon APNX file format

Coming with the Kindle 3.1 firmware is the ability to have real page numbers. Getting ready for this Amazon has put out a preview release of the 3.1 firmware and has started adding the necessary information to Kindle books to show the page numbers. The page numbers themselves map to the pages of the corresponding print book. Over all it gives a very pleasant experience. Amazon has implemented the page mapping though a new auxiliary file that has the ....

February 9, 2011 · John

Calibre Week in Review

This has been a busy week for me on the Calibre front. All of my changes were to pluginize and the first three I talk about also made it into trunk and will be appearing in the next release. I re-worked the mobi metadata reader so that it does not read the entire file into memory. It only reads the parts of the file that hold the metadata. The advantage is reading the metadata is now about five times faster....

April 18, 2009 · John