Switching from NGINX to Caddy

Introduction My go to web server has always been NGINX and it’s been my default choice since I started this blog. Any time I need a web server it’s without question NGINX. That is until recently. I’ve been playing around with containerization and specifically making my vaultwarden deployment better. But that’s for another post. As I was looking into this, the Caddy web server kept coming up. Vaultwarden seems to really like it....

October 21, 2023 · John

Vaultwarden a Self Hosted Password Vault

Introduction When Lastpass first came on the scene I jumped on it because of how easy it makes syncing passwords between devices. Previously, I was using a local password manager that was only on my computer. Thankfully, mobile logins weren’t nearly as necessary for daily life back then. However, I still needed my computer to log into anything on my phone. Over the years, Lastpass started having security incidents. This isn’t surprising with how big it became....

March 16, 2023 · John

Full Text Search with Jekyll

Introduction When I switched from WordPress to Jekyll I gave up searching posts. I knew this was a limitation of running a static site and I didn’t think it would be too big a deal. After a year I’ve found I actually look up some old reference posts just enough that search to be useful. Trying to remember which tags given posts use became a bit of an annoyance. I really started to miss the ability to search....

June 10, 2020 · John

Moving From WordPress to Jekyll

Introduction When I first started this blog back in 2008 I hosted it myself using an Arch Linux instance with Linode. For the blogging platform I used WordPress MU because it was, and still is, one of the most popular blogging platforms. At that time the MU version was how multiple domains (subdomains) were supported on a single installation. Later it was merged into standard WordPress. It was easy to use and Administer....

January 21, 2019 · John

My nginx SSL Configuration with WordPress Using Domain Mapping

Introduction If it’s not obvious I use WordPress for my (this) blog. It is a Multi-Site setup so I can use the same installation for other blogs (wife) and sites (personal/professional) I host. I also use the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin to assign specific domains to certain sites that are separate from the nachtimwald blogs. For the longest time I’ve used a self signed SSL certificate to protect logins. The cert wasn’t specifically tied to a particular domain and has been expired for years....

October 8, 2014 · John