Calibre Week in Review

Mostly bug fixes this week. The majority of them were centered around eReader PDB output and PML generation. eReader PDB output now marks the first image as the cover image if a cover image is not explicitly set. PMLZ got images named properly in the output. PML generation now has .png added to the end of image names. I also fixed a bug where excessive new lines were not being properly removed....

October 26, 2009 · John

Calibre Week in Review

I haven’t had one of these for quite some time. I’ve been working on other projects and on the calibre font I’ve only dealing with small bug fixes. However, this past week I’ve done a bit of work that is worth mentioning. I’ve cleaned up the FB2 output. It fixes some invalid markup. Fixes some issues with text not being displayed by FBReader. It also fixes some issues with invalid characters making there way into hrefs....

October 11, 2009 · John

Calibre Week in Review

A lot of work went into eReader and PML to have it supported better. Also, a new format has been added. The XHTML to PML parser has been completely rewritten. It is based on the XHTML to FB2 parser I wrote for FB2 output. It produces much better looking PML markup and the displayed output looks very close to the original XHTML source. One major advantage of the new parser is that it accounts for XHTML style information and translates that into PML tags....

May 24, 2009 · John

Calibre Week in Review

It seems that PDF is becoming the never ending format for me. Maybe I should start naming the posts PDF Work instead of Calibre Week in Review… One minor and one major change to PDF processing this week. The minor change was a fix for bug 2342. German umlauts are now displayed correctly in the output. The major change is PDF output now supports comics. cbz, cbr, cbc are some of the input formats for comics that are support and now you can turn them into a PDF....

May 2, 2009 · John