Updating Blog Full Text Search

Introduction A few years ago I switched from WordPress to Jekyll and I lost full text search. But then I remembered I’m hosting my blog on my own server! So I wrote a Full Text Search service to restore the only feature I lost in the transition. This was working great until I moved from Jekyll to Hugo. The search Javascript needed a slight tweak but otherwise search was still working....

December 5, 2023 · John

Full Text Search with Jekyll

Introduction When I switched from WordPress to Jekyll I gave up searching posts. I knew this was a limitation of running a static site and I didn’t think it would be too big a deal. After a year I’ve found I actually look up some old reference posts just enough that search to be useful. Trying to remember which tags given posts use became a bit of an annoyance. I really started to miss the ability to search....

June 10, 2020 · John

Binary Search and Insert

Introduction When dealing with arrays it’s often necessary to keep their elements in sorted order. The easiest way is to use an insert algorithm that always puts element into the array in sorted order. That said, you don’t know where elements will end up in the array because if you already knew the order you wouldn’t need to sort in the first place. At some point you will need to pull elements back out and you will want a quick way to find a given element....

January 18, 2018 · John