Sending WM_DELETE_WINDOW client messages

In my X11 Intercept Window Close Event post I left out one very important piece of information. How to actually close the embedded window after intercepting the WM_DELETE_WINDOW message. The best thing to do is send our own WM_DELETE_WINDOW message to the embedded window. This will keep the embedded window embedded until it actually closes. Meaning any question dialogs that might stop the window from closing (Gedit asking to save for instance) can be answered and it keeps the window embedded if the user decides not to close....

November 8, 2009 · John

X11 Intercept Window Close Event

Note Nov, 8 2009: a few additions have been made to the code samples to make them more complete. Specifically subscribing to X11 events. A feature request for KDocker was made a few days ago for docking when closed. Basically the person wants the window to iconify when the X button on the window decoration is clicked. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for quite some time but it’s not the easiest feature to implement....

November 1, 2009 · John